Visual studio for mac 2022 에서 Maui 프로젝트 만든후 빌드할 때 오류가 있어 아래와 같이 해결하였다. Visual studio for mac 2022 terminal : ~% dotnet workload install android Error: Inadequate permissions. Run the command with elevated privileges 해결>> sudo -i ~% dotnet workload install android Error: Workload ID privileges is not recognized. 해결>> dotnet workload install maui-android maui-ios Successfully installed workload(s)..
MSSQL HashBytes Sqlparameter Type Error Parameter Type Varchar != Nvarchar HashBytes different binary value -->> Sovled 1. var _pWDs = new SqlParameter("@PWDs", SqlDbType.VarChar,500); _pWDs.Value = Ubody.PWD2; // Query String comm.CommandText += " select * from UidTable where password = Hashbyte('SHA2_256',@PWDs); comm.Parameters.Add(_pWDs); Solved 2. comm.CommandText += " select * from UidTabl..
.Net 5 Api return value list all same value Error public class Rca { public string A{ get; set; } public string B{ get; set; } } public List rList() { List RTN = new List(); Rca _RTN = new Rca(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { _RTN.A = "a" +i.ToString(); _RTN.B = "b" +i.ToString(); RTN.Add(_RTN); } return RTN; } _________________________________ PostMan result: { "A": "a9", "B": "b9", }, { "A": "..
serial.DataReceived 이벤트는 주 스레드가 아닌 보조 스레드에서 발생 UI요소인 Binding 된 TextBox의 Text를 변경하려 하면 Thread Exception 오류가 발생한다. UI ViewModel private string? _rF_IDS; public string? RF_IDS { get { return _rF_IDS; } set { _rF_IDS = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(RF_IDS)); } } public HomeViewModel() { RFConnectCommand = new RFConnectCommand(this); } Command private readonly HomeViewModel _viewModel; public RFCon..
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); txtUsername.Text = Properties.Settings.Default._TextBox; radio_1.IsChecked = (Nullable)Properties.Settings.Default._RadioButton1 is null ? false: Properties.Settings.Default._RadioButton1; radio_2.IsChecked = (Nullable)Properties.Settings.Default._RadioButton2 is null ? false : Properties.Settings.Default._RadioButton2; } 속성> 설정> 일반
MSSQL 2019 Encrypt / Decrypt 대칭키 암호화 사용 (AES_256) /* -- 테이블 생성 Create Table RTable ( R_ID VARCHAR(20), -- R_Value VARCHAR(20), -- R_Var varbinary(256) NOT NULL -- 구분 ) -- drop master key Create Master key Encryption by Password = '비밀번호입력' -- drop Certificate mCertify Create Certificate mCertify with Subject = 'keyCert', EXPIRY_DATE = '2099-12-01'; -- 만료일자 go -- drop symmetric key mCKey Create Sy..
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Permissions 0644 for '/Users/kkkkk/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open. It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others. This private key will be ignored. Load key "/Users/kkkk/.ssh/id_rsa": bad permissions
dotnet ef migrations add Initial dotnet ef migrations remove 삭제 오류메시지: The migration '20220518102320_Initial' has already been applied to the database. Revert it and try again. If the migration has been applied to other databases, consider reverting its changes using a new migration instead. 해결 --> 1. dotnet ef database update 0 2. dotnet ef migrations remove 업데이트 해주고 삭제. 오류 메시지: The name 'Initi..
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