No data is available for encoding 51949. For information on defining a custom encoding, see the documentation for the Encoding.RegisterProvider method. >> System.Text.Encoding.CodePages Nuget Package를 설치한다. c# - System.NotSupportedException: No data is available for encoding 1252 - Stack Overflow
MSSQL HashBytes Sqlparameter Type Error Parameter Type Varchar != Nvarchar HashBytes different binary value -->> Sovled 1. var _pWDs = new SqlParameter("@PWDs", SqlDbType.VarChar,500); _pWDs.Value = Ubody.PWD2; // Query String comm.CommandText += " select * from UidTable where password = Hashbyte('SHA2_256',@PWDs); comm.Parameters.Add(_pWDs); Solved 2. comm.CommandText += " select * from UidTabl..
serial.DataReceived 이벤트는 주 스레드가 아닌 보조 스레드에서 발생 UI요소인 Binding 된 TextBox의 Text를 변경하려 하면 Thread Exception 오류가 발생한다. UI ViewModel private string? _rF_IDS; public string? RF_IDS { get { return _rF_IDS; } set { _rF_IDS = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(RF_IDS)); } } public HomeViewModel() { RFConnectCommand = new RFConnectCommand(this); } Command private readonly HomeViewModel _viewModel; public RFCon..
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); txtUsername.Text = Properties.Settings.Default._TextBox; radio_1.IsChecked = (Nullable)Properties.Settings.Default._RadioButton1 is null ? false: Properties.Settings.Default._RadioButton1; radio_2.IsChecked = (Nullable)Properties.Settings.Default._RadioButton2 is null ? false : Properties.Settings.Default._RadioButton2; } 속성> 설정> 일반
int sumvalue = Result_Table.AsEnumerable().Sum(x => x.Field(Result_Table.Columns[i].ColumnName)) int count = dataTable.AsEnumerable() .Count(row => row.Field("Column-A") == "Y" || row.Field("Column-A") == "N"); 출처: c# - Linq query to count field in datatable - Stack Overflow
C# LINQ Left join of DataTables Join 키가 두개일경우 on new { X1 = tb1.Field("ids"), X2 = tb1.Field("tdate") } equals new { X1 = tb2.Field("ids"), X2 = tb2.Field("odate") } _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ var query1 = from tb1 in DT1.AsEnumerable() join tb2 in DT2.AsEnumerable() on new { X1 = tb1.Field("ids"), X2 = tb..
int byte_int = 0; byte[] rcvByteFinal = new byte[10]; // RF카드 10자리 Byte 세팅 private void serial_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { try { if (!serial.IsOpen) return; // serial 오픈 확인. int bytes = serial.BytesToRead; byte[] buffer = new byte[bytes]; byte[] rcvByte = new byte[bytes]; serial.Read(buffer, 0, bytes); Array.Copy(buffer, 0, rcvByte, 0, bytes); // buffer 0 위치부터 by..
먼저 Orderby( e=> e.Field("A1")). ThenBy(e => e.Field("A2")) 또는 ThenByDescending(e => e.Field("A2")) DataTable query2 = new DataTable(); query2 =Result_DTL.AsEnumerable() .GroupBy(row => new { TEC1 = row.Field("a1"), Grade1 = row.Field("a2") }) .Select(gcs => { var row = Result_DTL.NewRow(); row["a1"] = gcs.Key.TEC1; row["a2"] = gcs.Key.Grade1; return row; }) .OrderBy(e => e.Field("a1")).ThenByDes..
Mysql Aes_Encrypt 쿼리 select HEX(AES_ENCRYPT('텍스트','비밀번호')); C# Encrypt String(HEX) private static string Encrypt(string _encryptString, string _passkey) { StringBuilder sbResult = new StringBuilder(); byte[] EncryptArray = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_encryptString); RijndaelManaged Rdael = new RijndaelManaged(); Rdael.KeySize = 128; Rdael.BlockSize = 128; Rdael.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; Rdael.Paddi..
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